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Lunch Reservations

San Bernardino Republican Women hold luncheons at the Elks Lodge #836, 2055 Elks Drive, San Bernardino on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We would love to have you join us, so please fill out the reservation form and click Submit to make your reservation. You may also choose to purchase your lunch in advance by filling out the payment form at the bottom of the form. Hope to see you there!

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San Bernardino Republican Women hold luncheons at the Elks Lodge #836, 2055 Elks Drive, San Bernardino on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We would love to have you join us, so please fill out the reservation form and click Submit to make your reservation. You may also choose to purchase your lunch in advance by filling out the payment form at the bottom of the form. Hope to see you there!

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Please pay online through Zelle and enter Transaction Number and Receipt of Zelle Payment.
Zelle Email: [email protected]

San Bernardino Republican Women hold luncheons at the Elks Lodge #836, 2055 Elks Drive, San Bernardino on the 3rd Saturday of the month. We would love to have you join us, so please fill out the reservation form and click Submit to make your reservation. You may also choose to purchase your lunch in advance by filling out the payment form at the bottom of the form. Hope to see you there!

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Choose Date You Wish to Reserve

Please pay with your check at the door. Thank you!